Polarization in hypergraphs with community structure
I’m excited to belatedly announce that “Polarization in hypergraphs with community structure”, a collaboration with Juan G. Restrepo, is on arXiv! This project started almost by accident. We wanted to see whether community structure was affecting the epidemic threshold or the onset of tipping point behavior for the hypergraph SIS model. In our investigation, we found a very interesting phase diagram.
This phase diagram shows that two different communities can have very different stable equilibria for strong enough community structure and we defined the “polarization” as the maximum distance between two communities’ stable fixed points. We investigated the infectious and structural parameters for which polarization exists. We concluded that polarization occurs below the epidemic threshold for sufficient higher-order infectiousness and is very sensitive to higher-order community structure.
You can view the phenomenon of polarization as a perturbation of two completely disconnected communities, both in a bistable regime. We can see this by the shrinking region of polarization. This phenomenon may be a potential mechanism for the reinforcement of polarization, but is certainly not strong enough to spontaneously create polarization in a social system.
Polarization (and the epidemic threshold, as seen below) is VERY sensitive to unequal community sizes. The phase plot becomes asymmetric and it matters which community holds which opinion. For a large enough disparity in community sizes, certain opinion configurations become untenable.
A significant contribution in this paper is the development of fast algorithms to sample a modification of the hypergraph stochastic block model (HSBM) and the hypergraph Erdös-Rényi models. This is also the first project that I used XGI in earnest and it made the data management, analysis, and visualization SO much easier. Of course I’m biased, but I highly recommend trying it. Feel free to reach out if you have any ideas or suggestions!